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2024 TCFF Member Perks

Become a member and receive not only discounts during the 2024 Twin Cities Film Fest but year-round on TCFF events! Members receive exclusive perks, member only screenings, free streaming pass during the festival, discounts on passes, and more! Festival Insider members also receive a festival Gold Pass!

Don’t want to become a member? Donate to TCFF and support our cause instead.

STUDENT, SENIOR, AND INDUSTRY DISCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR FESTIVAL FAN. Student/Senior membership is $50; Industry membership is $75. Please contact to submit proof of status or for questions. NOTE: These discounts are not eligible for an additional discount during any sales or member drives.

By signing up, members help TCFF expand programs and screenings ensuring that MN films are enriched and supported leading to members having more opportunities to see films, meet the filmmakers, and enjoy the arts scene.