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16 Minutes

MN Connected
Short Film
Buy Tickets | $13
Saturday, 10/19 @ 4:00 PM
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Set in the early 1970’s, Richard Nixon, the most guarded president of the United States of his time, sneaks away from his security detail to visit an old golfing buddy, Jackie Gleason a renowned actor, musician, ufologist and golfer. Jackie Gleason, accepts the invitation and sneaks away with Richard Nixon on a leisurely drive to Homestead Airforce Base. The drive supersedes their expectations as they both realize they are about to experience a moment that will question LIFE for years to come. Nixon, candidly opens up about his experience as the president of the United States. Including his personal feelings about being the most guarded president, his ability to play tricks on his security detail, his fascination with messing with the human mind. Richard Nixon surprises Jackie by treating him to a once in a life time experience to show him the mangled bodies of what appear to be other earthly beings stuffed in a coke cooler. This experience is finely engrained in Jackie Gleason mind, leaving him wondering if what he saw was true or if it was President Richard Nixon messing with his mind the moment he showed up at his home.

NOTE: This film will ONLY play in the A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO DYSTOPIA (SHORTS BLOCK). It will NOT play by itself!

Minnesota Premiere

Cast & Crew

Owen Royce
Owen Royce, EJ Subkoviak

Film Sponsors

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