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Mentorship Projects

Mentees Work

TCFF has recruited collegiate students for 22 mentorship opportunities from 7 different colleges and universities in the Twin Cities area. Below is a list of film and media content projects that supported the TCFF Mentorship Program. 

The majority of the projects remunerated mentees with a small stipend paid by the filmmaker or client.

Featured Films

Sins of the Father poster
Sins of the Father
Charcoal Skies

Short Films

Knits Branding
The Unbelievable Joy in Being Massively Delusional
Crazy, Stupid, Idiots

Commercials/Media Content

Benedict Business Seminars Educational Presentation
The Shops at West End Commercial
3M Open Golf Tournament Event Coverage
Inside Senior Living – Reality Show
EComm Convention – Sizzle Reel
Crescent Cove – Gala Presentation
MyTalk 107 – Live Broadcast
Mark Riddle Photography – photo shoot

Mentorship Graduates Credit Experiences