Mentorships are for collegiate level students who are either majoring in a film related subject or have taken extensive production/film related courses at a college or university. Recent graduates may also apply (less than one year). The projects may vary from several days to several weeks either paid or unpaid.
- In order to be considered as a mentee, students must consider these guidelines:
- Complete the application form below with a short essay and basic information.
- Participate in either virtual or in person interviews with the host filmmakers prior to selection.
- If selected, commit to the project and participate in a professional manner such as arriving on time, good communications, safety awareness, positive attitude, etc.
- Be willing to work long hours for little or no pay.
- Complete a post mentorship survey.
- Mentees are automatically invited to participate in the TCFF Film Fellows Program.
Film Fellows
Film Fellows Mentorship Application
If interested, please complete the form by clicking the application button. As qualified projects arise, potential mentees will be notified via email of specific opportunities.
Become a Mentor
Become a mentor and secure a collegiate level filmmaker or recent graduate on your next project.
Become a Mentee
Become a mentee and gain experience with professional mentors in the film industry.