Film by Crown College Professor to Premiere at Twin Cities Film Fest

Nickolaus Swedlund, Assistant Professor of Communications at Crown College, will have his first full-length feature film screened at the 2015 Twin Cities Film Fest (TCFF) later this month.  Considered one of the most prominent film festivals in the Midwest, TCFF highlights independent films that have achieved exceptional visual storytelling.

The festival will be held October 21-31 and entries selected for this year’s event will be showcased at the Showplace ICON Theater in St. Louis Park, MN, just west of Minneapolis.  The world premiere of Swedlund’s film, All The Time In The World, is scheduled for 5:15pm on Thursday, October 29th.  Swedlund says, “It is such an honor to have our World Premiere be at the Twin Cities Film Fest. Hopefully it is the first of many.”

A graduate of the American Film Institute with a master’s degree in film directing, Swedlund is a Minnesota-native (Plymouth) who honed his craft in Hollywood and then returned to the area where he now teaches others the art of filmmaking – and engages his students in the film-making process.

His full-length production was filmed locally and incorporated the talents of many of his students who were given the opportunity to be directly involved with the film as actors, camera operators, and production assistants.  The film was both written and directed by Swedlund.

“I wanted to make a feature film utilizing what was available around me — the students, the campus, etc.” says Swedlund.  “It has been powerful to watch the students discover their own love for film-making as they got engaged in the process. I can’t wait to see what they will accomplish in the future.”

Using an exploratory and organic film-making style, the film tells the story of Drew, a senior college football player who struggles to rediscover his purpose in life after a knee injury ends his promising athletic career.  The story explores the impact of relationships, dreams, and self-discovery.

Crown College offers a wide range of bachelor and master’s degrees including a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Communication.  Majors within the communication degree include:

  • Advertising/Graphic Design
  • Digital Arts
  • Relational Communication

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